Kauai, 2010

August 10, 2010

A walk in the park

Ethan smiling & swinging at Chetzemoka park.

Higher! Higher!

Monkeying around.

Ethan following his big sister's example.

Lilly is inspired from our outing.

A family portrait!!
(Mommy & Ethan in the middle, Daddy bottom left, Lilly bottom right)

Ethan feeling like a rock star.

Orcas Island

What a view!

Sweet sleep on the ride!

Chillin' at the cabin.


Lilly collecting firewood for our salmon bbq

NanaPoppy & Ethan enjoying the fire.

Lilly's secret hideout.

Smore time!

Yum! Yum!

Kite flying on the point.

Lilly "helping" with the string.

Completely tangled!

Ethan and his B

August 5, 2010

Lilly's 3rd Birthday!

We started the morning off with having the Collyer family join us for a Birthday Bagel celebration, courtesy of Bob the Bagel Bunny. Yum! Yum! Then the day rolled on and on, celebrating here and there with our friends and family.

Lilly's favorite birthday gift....A doctor's kit!

Lilly's 1st ballet class took place on her birthday.Lilly & Hope at the airport watching the planes take off and land from the runway.

Lunch at the Spruce Goose with Ashnie and Morgan.

The Boyz waiting for our birthday burgers to arrive.

Home for some swimming in the pool with friends.

Mama Sarah the tickle monster.
Celebrating at Nana & Poppy's house with ice cream clowns!

A delicious chocolate mustache!

CJ & Bonnie's Wedding Weekend

CJ & Bonnie got married! Here we are at the beautiful Berkeley Rose Garden in San Francisco the night before the wedding.

Lilly and Froggy stopping to smell the flowers.

The happy couple rehearsing their lines, "I do! I do"

Father and Mother of the Groom.

The day of the wedding we get all gussied up!

Just moments after the handsome groom kisses the beautiful bride.

Nana, Poppy & Ethan

What an awesome cake! Nice work CJ!

June 9, 2010


Ever since Lisa gifted me these awesome rubber boots for Christmas I have been dying to get my feet in the mud and dig for some clams. Yesterday the tides were perfect for clamming, so Lilly, Ethan and decided to try our luck at Lagoon Beach and we hit the jackpot! Yum! Yum!

Here are Lilly & Ethan hard at work. Ethan would do all the digging and and Lilly would find the clams and put them in the bucket. What a team! Ethan is looking like he needs a break.

Lilly is holding up a clam to the camera here, but her love of the day was chasing down the hundreds of tiny crabs that ran all over the sand, picking up as many as her little hands would hold.

Meanwhile Ethan liked climbing into all the holes we dug, splashing in the little puddles of water that would form.

June 4, 2010

Ethan's 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday!! It's official...Ethan has made his first revolution around the sun with us! To celebrate we let him parade around in his birthday suit for most of the day, trying out his new scooter, chasing balloons and wearing a party hat.

For dinner we had his two favorite foods: fish and mashed sweet potatoes. Followed by a flourless chocolate cake! The Hannas (Morgan, Ian & Kenenisa) and the Kingfisher's (Jen, Erik & Samara) joined the party that evening to shower Ethan with some Birthday love.

Below is a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Ethan