Kauai, 2010

August 5, 2010

Lilly's 3rd Birthday!

We started the morning off with having the Collyer family join us for a Birthday Bagel celebration, courtesy of Bob the Bagel Bunny. Yum! Yum! Then the day rolled on and on, celebrating here and there with our friends and family.

Lilly's favorite birthday gift....A doctor's kit!

Lilly's 1st ballet class took place on her birthday.Lilly & Hope at the airport watching the planes take off and land from the runway.

Lunch at the Spruce Goose with Ashnie and Morgan.

The Boyz waiting for our birthday burgers to arrive.

Home for some swimming in the pool with friends.

Mama Sarah the tickle monster.
Celebrating at Nana & Poppy's house with ice cream clowns!

A delicious chocolate mustache!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET LILLYKIN!!!! How can it be? Too fast! Slow down!
